Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Busy Bees

We have been all over, it seems!
An alternative street festival in our city, Pride in Berlin, and speaking with journalists about discrimination.


Pride last weekend was really cool. Friday was kicked off with a Dyke March through the city (which we were really late for since we had to set our tents up at our odd but nice campsite). 1,500 dykes and dyke supporters in a really non-commercial march for more visibility and rights. It was really neat! Afterwards, there was a gathering and some dancing- although I just gathered- my work day had me too worn out to dance.

The big CSD parade on Saturday was amazingly huge- and we only watched a small part of it! According to 1 news source, there were 700,000 people in attendance. It was neat to watch, but I am glad that we did the "lite" version, as lots of standing and walking in the sun is not my thing (pregnant or not). Meeting up with friends afterwards was really nice.

 We also decided to answer a call for people to talk to journalists about discrimination here. I can't go into detail since it could later make this blog not so anonymous, so let's just say that I am excited that we decided to be brave despite the fact that it could be sensationalized. Hopefully, the subject will get visibility either way. This is an exciting time as far as the possibility of more rights go- here, and in the US- although I am fully aware that these changes could take place long after Shrimpy has made his/her appearance. 

In the meantime, I've still had symptoms that come and go, like waves. The nausea only seems to come when I am tired and hungry, which is good (although I do go from "I could eat" to "OMG feed me" in like 20 minutes...and then I can't eat that much, lol.). The round ligament pain has started, and I am glad that I knew that this happens- as it could otherwise be quite a scary sensation. I've got a bit of a mix of the "mask of pregnancy" / acne / rash thing going on on my face as well as increasing back pain- but movement helps. My "bloating" doesn't seem to ever go away completely now, and part of my belly is hard...so it is probably the start of my bump. I've made plans to check out thrift stores with my sister while I am home to get maternity clothes. In the meantime, dresses and my belly band are my friends.

A little hard to believe that I am 11 weeks today, and that our next ultrasound is next week- but I will be glad when we have that important milestone behind us, that's for sure.

The end of next week I will be flying to the US for almost 4 weeks, so by the time I am back, it will be time for another ultrasound, among other things!

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